Dev update #117 - Get ready for steam

Dev update #117 - Get ready for steam

Hey cyberjacks, skypirates and streetbrawlers,

how are you doing?

A whole lot happened since the last update. I decided to release Cyberlinxxx on

STEAM if the reviewers give it a go. Will take some time because the process takes about a month as some guides suggest. I had enough time to gather infos about it and they require a lot of stuff. Dozens of screenshots in all kinds of sizes. A trailer, sourcing for music and sounds and I need a new STEAM account if I want to be a developer over there. And so much more ...
Don't know about Steam achievements because they annoy me but you may see that differently. In the end it's all about YOU and what you like. The ego has to take a step back in those matters.
Been watching tutorials on how to make trailers as well. And oh boy, that stuff could take long to finish. On top of other improvements I made in the last couple of months.

You probably noticed that when seing my published solo artworks here, on reddit or on twitter. I want to apply what i learned to the whole VN to give it a nice, good looking polish before it gets released on the biggest gaming platform.

Here's a small comparison.
Old version:

New version:

Doesn't look like much in small but opened in an image viewer and compared side by side, you can see the difference. Working on the holomission goes a little bit slower because of all that. Then again, the next release for Space Corps XXX will take a bit anyway so I got some time to prepare for the big show. 

Support is always appreciated because your boy Baka almost saved up for a big upgrade for his render rig. It just needs a new Power supply now before I can install that big brick in my case. It is time. Don't you think?

That's all from me
Have fun Stay charged

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